Sunday 26 June 2011

Focus on the processes

We have so many times in the past year or so heard from the cricketers and the coaches that the key to their success has been to focus on the processes. Even after several astounding successes we still hear some of the younger generation players remind us of their effort to get the processes right and focus on the same.

This is not a word - "Process"-  only in the  cricketing domain but in several other sports and my provocation of this piece of logging thoughts today was when Dre in the Karate Kid also mentions to his friend on focussing on the process and the rest will follow.

It is true for our wards too. We have to enable them evolve a process for their eventual objectives of life -whether in studies or hobbies or sports that they pursue . Why , even in being a human being who respects others and evolves into being a respected human also has a process to focus on.

It is not often that companies do this ( focussing on processes)  , surprisingly , even while they speak about the same. they are too impatient in the end result fructifying and not in  how it happens consistently.
So whats needed to build processes?

A clear goal, an achievable and realistic timeline, a well defined way to reach the goal., an extraordinary belief from a team who will achieve .

Is that all?

Well, nothing that is not measured is achieved. Thus a performance metric for each of the processes. It helps in assessing where one stands as against the goal in each of the processes and lets you improve.

Easier said than done. But when done, there is success waiting.

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